Here are three light and easy practices to embrace a “Not Yet” mindset throughout your busy day:

  1. The One-Minute Rule: When you feel rushed or impatient, wait one minute before reacting or making a decision. Use this minute to observe your surroundings or stretch, transforming a moment of impatience into a short break.
  1. Traffic Light Meditation: Each time you stop at a red light, use the pause as an opportunity to breath deeply a couple times into the belly. This can turn a usually frustrating wait into a moment of unexpected calm.
  1. Email Echo: After drafting a response to a challenging email, hold off on sending it right away: wait five minutes. Then review the note from this more relaxed perspective, and change any wording that does not feel clear and calm. 

💫 Remember to engage in any “Not Yet” practices without self-judgment. Connect with us if you want help practicing patience!