CB Blog + Ask Agnes

inspiration, advice & more

A weekly dose of fresh perspective & resources that speak directly to common issues facing business professionals.

The heart and soul is “Ask Agnes”, where our resident Courageous Being answers real questions from real women in the workplace. Agnes gracefully turns any personal/professional concern into a refreshing glass of girl-you-got-this lemonade. And it’s totally work-safe! Yes, you can read it at work. Keepin’ it classy.

If you have a question or could use advice related to humanizing your work situation, improving relationships, or life in general, just Ask Agnes. It’s 100% free and anonymous.

Recent Posts
The Worth We Inherit

The Worth We Inherit

There’s a photo of me as Little Ivi, standing on a dock in Croatia, my Nono (grandpa) holding me steady as I point toward something in the distance. I don’t remember what I was pointing at then, but I bet it was the genius of nature.Perhaps a seagull soaring, white...

Ask Agnes: Leading with Love

Ask Agnes: Leading with Love

Dear Agnes, I’ve been told I’m too “soft” as a leader. I care deeply about my team and try to create a positive, collaborative environment, but I often get feedback that I need to be more assertive and direct. Honestly, I feel like if I do that, I’ll...

Ask Agnes: On Shaky Ground

Ask Agnes: On Shaky Ground

Dear Agnes, I find myself in a state of unbearable uncertainty. At work, there are layoffs, terminations, and unsettling changes happening all around me. New people are being hired, others are being let go, and I’m stuck in limbo, waiting to see if my position will...

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