It’s not just a feeling—did you know that there’s solid evidence confirming the global trust crisis? Our gut instincts and personal observations align with the data: the lack of trust in governments, institutions and leaders is a genuine issue. 82% of leaders prioritize fixing problems over long-term thinking, impacting our sense of trust in their actions. Also, only 33% of employees trust their leaders, questioning their ability to follow through on promises. 

The good news is that there is a way to restore the trust. This can happen with a combined focus on 1) prioritizing solutions over divisiveness, 2) focusing on long-term thinking over short-term gain, and 3) committing to institutional sharing of trustworthy information: clear, consistent and fact-based.

One phrase that unifies this 3-part formula is: conscious leadership. Everyone involved in the world of business faces high intensity: change challenges, ambiguity of direction, uncertainty of outcomes and volatility of predictions. We can all be what we seek in our leaders by embodying conscious leadership.

Check out these 6 conscious leader types, ways of restoring trust as a key to business sustainability.

  1. Action Leaders: Guide people on what to do and adjust for optimal solutions.
  2. Strategic Leaders: Match capabilities and energy to lead effectively.
  3. Inspirational Leaders: Appeal to values, beliefs, and motivation.
  4. Charismatic Leaders: Bring out the unique identity in individuals.
  5. Transformational Leaders: Evoke a sense of being part of something bigger.
  6. Alchemist Leaders: Understand the chemistry of varied success factors and competencies.

Everyone plays a leadership role in their life at work and at home.
Which type resonates with you the most?