During any holiday with tempting dessert displays all around, it’s a perfect time to practice mindful enjoyment. It’s not about denying ourselves, but about approaching treats with awareness and intention. 

Let’s take a moment amidst the feast for our eyes to tune into what we truly desire for dessert, or as a treat during or after a long day at work:

1. Take a nice, yummy breath. Make it feel free and expansive.

2. Think about the treat you are considering. You may want to close your eyes at this point. Imagine the appearance, texture, and scent of the treat.

3. Notice any cravings or desires that arise as you think about it. Where in the body are you feeling the sensations? Keep noticing, no need to do anything.

4. Now, take a moment to check in with yourself. Go inside with another breath and ask: 

  • Do I truly want this dessert? 
  • Where is the craving coming from? 
  • Am I hungry for this dessert, really, viscerally? 
  • Or is the craving coming from boredom, stress, or habit?

5. Keep paying attention to any physical sensations that arise as you contemplate eating the treat. Do you feel a sense of expansion, inner joy, relaxation? Or is there perhaps a subtle feeling of contraction, discomfort or resistance?

6. If you genuinely want the treat and it aligns with your intentions for nourishing your body and soul, then honor that desire mindfully. Take the loving action of enjoying the treat, and take pleasure in each bite, savoring the flavors and textures fully.

7. However, if you find that you’re eating out of habit or emotional reasons rather than true desire, pause and consider alternative ways to fulfill your needs. Perhaps a healthier treat or a different activity could satisfy you just as much.

8. Finally, express gratitude for the opportunity to make a conscious choice about what you eat, recognizing that inner work allows you to create a healthier relationship with food and yourself.

💫 Remember to engage in self-observation without judgment!