Here is the full Subject-Object-Subject exercise from the Energy Codes book by Dr. Sue Morter.

This is something you can practice every day, throughout the day, to help you stay grounded and anchored, particularly in difficult interactions, when it’s so easy to lose your footing.

First, Subject:

  • Put all of your attention on subject, into the core of your being, your heart and into your belly. Take a few deep breaths and let it feel good.
  • Imagine that you are collecting any forgotten pieces of yourself back from people, places, situations, stories, stuff where you have previously dispersed.

Then, Object:

  • Now take all that energy you’ve just collected and focus it on an object outside of you. It can be a person or an object; anything external that’s about five feet away.
  • Put all of your focus and attention on it; really study it. Feel as if you’re throwing your energy into it. Notice how it feels to give your power away.

Back on Subject:

  • Now pull your awareness back into yourself, on subject, back to your core. Feel that you’re now in your body, looking out through your own eyes.
  • Notice what this feels like. Your peripheral vision expands. You might even be able to see your own nose or cheeks more. You can feel yourself inhabiting your body again.
  • Hold this awareness of self as you take several breaths in and out.

When you do this exercise, you will feel what it means to ‘give your power away.’ When your attention is ‘on object’, hooked into the outer environment, you disperse your energy and can never quite relax.

As you follow the process and draw energy inward to the core of your being, you start to regain a sense of strength and security within yourself. You then have a lot more personal power and vitality at your disposal.

💫 Remember to engage in self-observation without judgment!