Take a moment to embrace your inner sloth and bring a touch of calm to your workday. Here’s a quick and fun practice to help you reset and recharge.

Step 1: Sloth Stretch

Slowly raise your arms overhead, reaching for the treetops. Hold for a few seconds, then gently lower them. Repeat this stretch, savoring each slow motion. This helps release tension and improve flexibility.

Step 2: Sloth Sigh

Take a deep breath in, then let out a long, contented sigh, just like a relaxed sloth. Feel the stress melt away with each sigh. This simple act can lower stress and boost relaxation.

Step 3: Sloth Snack

Grab a healthy snack and take tiny, slow bites. Chew thoroughly, savoring each flavor. This mindful eating practice can help you feel more grounded and refocused.

Step 4: Sloth Super-Small-Snooze

Lean back in your chair. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Open your eyes. Then intentionally close your eyes again. Open your eyes and return to work.

💫 If your mind finds thinking about sloths at work a little too silly, remind yourself that incorporating playfulness at work can boost creativity, reduce stress, improve focus and make your whole workday more enjoyable!