Here’s a set of principles to help you personally create healthy boundaries that keep you centered and empowered.

1. Focus on Keeping Yourself In
Begin by imagining your boundaries as a home. These boundaries are not about keeping others out; they’re about keeping your essence in, and your energy intact. Spend a moment reflecting on how you can nurture your inner self and protect your energy.

2. Embrace Semipermeable Boundaries
Think of your boundaries as doors and windows—semipermeable. You have the power to open and close them: choose what enters your space and what stays out. Trust your intuition to welcome what serves you and gently close off what doesn’t.

3. Let Boundaries Be Alive
Remember that your boundaries are not rigid or fixed. They are living, evolving spaces that can adapt to your changing needs. As you grow, let your boundaries grow with you, responding to the present moment in ways that best serve your well-being.


Imagine you’re at home after a long day at work, and you receive an email from a colleague asking for something that isn’t urgent. Instead of feeling pressured to respond immediately, recognize that your boundary is to protect your personal time. You decide to respond during your work hours the next day. By doing so, you’re practicing a semipermeable boundary—allowing work-related tasks to enter your attention only during designated work times, thus maintaining your work-life harmony. This helps you stay connected to yourself while also being effective in your professional life.

By practicing these principles, you’ll find that boundaries help you trust yourself more, allowing you to lead your life and projects with clarity and confidence.💫

This practice is also based on Jumana Sophia’s explanation of boundaries from the book Break the Grip of Past Lovers, p. 130-135.