Setbacks happen to all of us, and they can throw even the most organized professionals off balance. The key is learning how to accept the situation, refocus, and move forward with clarity. Here’s a quick 10-minute practice you can incorporate into your day to help regain your balance when things don’t go as planned.

1. Pause (2 Minutes)  
When you feel overwhelmed by a setback, take a moment to pause. Close your eyes and take five slow, deep breaths. This will help you clear your mind and interrupt any negative reactions.

2. Reflect (3 Minutes) 
Ask yourself:  
   – What can I learn from this setback?
   – How will this experience shape my future approach?  
By shifting your focus to what you can learn, you’ll develop a more positive and resilient mindset.

3. Reframe (5 Minutes)  
Look at the situation through a new lens. What opportunity does this setback present? This could be a chance to reassess your strategy, make necessary adjustments, or explore a new direction. Use this reframing to identify a single, actionable step you can take to move forward.

4. End with Gratitude (1 Minute)  

Close the practice by acknowledging one thing you’re grateful for in this moment. Gratitude helps to reduce stress and refocus your energy on the positives, enabling you to move forward with confidence.

By integrating this simple practice into your day, you’ll strengthen your ability to navigate setbacks with ease and resilience.