Did you know that strong leadership is often about flexibility and adaptability? Research shows that human-centered leadership, which includes the ability to balance and adapt behaviors according to the situation, helps leaders and their teams better handle stress and change. 

This is particularly important in an era where 45% of full-time employees report feeling stressed or burned out at least once a week.

As noted in this study, strong leaders are adaptive leaders, and they know when it’s time to show empathy, foster psychological safety, maintain intellectual honesty, tackle challenges head-on, and/or encourage people to step out of their comfort zones.

Strength in leadership isn’t about being unyielding; it’s about being adaptable and understanding when to move and when to hold firm.

This requires inner work focused on self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and challenging personal biases. It involves reflecting on reactions to stress, understanding emotional triggers, and being open to growth and learning.