In the intense world of work, it’s easy to get caught up in stress, deadlines, and the constant pressure to perform. This simple Rest and Receive practice is designed to help you pause, let go of work-related worries, and reconnect with your inherent value.

Rest and Receive Practice: Remembering Your Value at Work

1. Find a Quiet Spot 

Sit down, breathe deeply, and let your body relax.

2. Hand on Heart 

Place your hand on your heart and say to yourself: “I am enough.”

3. Breathe in, Breathe out 

Breathe in calm, and breathe out stress. Feel your worth, no matter what’s on your to-do list.

4. Choose to Let Go of Work Stress 

Imagine your work worries floating away, like clouds in the sky. You don’t need to finish everything perfectly to be worthy.

5. Set a Simple Intention 

Tell yourself: “I will approach my work with peace and take care of myself.”

Remember to engage in any self-care practice without self-judgement. Your value isn’t tied to your productivity. You are always enough!