Even the strongest among us can feel the strain when things go awry. The secret isn’t about being rigid or unyielding; it’s about staying strong yet supple, ready to bend and adapt as needed. Here’s a quick 10-minute practice to help you cultivate curiosity, which leads to resilience—being able to stay grounded while remaining flexible.

Curiosity Choice 1: The Stress Radar Check
Take 2 minutes to close your eyes and scan for tension in your body. Notice where the stress is settling. Ask yourself, “Where in my body can I relax a bit more? How can I loosen up this tension?” Take any simple action that arises as an idea, an answer in response to the question.

Curiosity Choice 2: The Five-Minute Shift
Before diving into a challenging task, take a minute to change up your energy. If you are feeling anxious or stressed about it—maybe read a page from an inspiring book or listen to a favorite song. Ask, “How can this small change set a different tone for my task completion?” You might be surprised how a short pause allows you to approach your work with a fresh mindset.

Curiosity Choice 3: The Emotional Check-In
When a difficult emotion pops up, pause and ask, “What’s this really about?” Acknowledge the feeling without needing to fix it right away. This moment of reflection helps you choose a thoughtful response rather than reacting on autopilot.

Curiosity Choice 4: The ‘Responsible Reframe’
When faced with a challenge, ask, “What’s one thing I can learn from this?” or “How can this help me grow?” This shift in mindset turns obstacles into opportunities for growth and adaptability.

When you practice them regularly, these curiosity choices become second nature! Each choice is a small, intentional shift that builds a more flexible, self-aware you.