Did you know that most employees consider it essential to work for an organization that respects the boundaries between work and personal time? Research shows that 95% of employees say this respect is very (61%) or somewhat (34%) important to them.

But what exactly are boundaries? We often think of them as rigid walls or shields meant to keep others out. In conscious leadership, however, boundaries are not about exclusion; they’re about preserving essence and energy. Think of boundaries as a home with doors and windows, which can be open or shut—living, flexible spaces that allow you to decide what enters and what stays out. This approach ensures you stay connected to yourself while effectively leading your projects, your teams, and your life.

When companies respect the boundaries between work and personal time, they support both employee well-being and effective leadership. 

By treating boundaries as flexible and dynamic rather than rigid, organizations create environments where individuals and teams can thrive. This balance helps ensure sustained success and satisfaction for everyone involved.💫

This article is based on Jumana Sophia’s explanation of boundaries in the book Break the Grip of Past Lovers, p. 130-135.