Courageous Being Marie Miles, a busy mom and dedicated pediatrician, maintains one of the most magnificent gardens in Oregon. From flourishing fruits and vegetables to vibrant roses, her garden is a testament to her green thumb.

When asked about her secret to cultivating such a thriving piece of nature, she simply shared: “Consistency is key.” Every morning, she steps out into the garden for just 10 minutes and interacts with the plants. She strolls through the space, pruning deadheads and harvesting plants that are ready to be enjoyed. 

While she occasionally tackles larger projects with her husband on the weekends, she is adamant about her short daily commitment. Marie remains steadfast as she keeps showing up, and this makes a big difference.

Today consider Marie’s approach to tending her garden as a mirror for the importance of consistency in your self-care practices.

Like her brief daily garden interactions, what beneficial self-care practice would enjoy doing, in small doses, on a daily basis? Whether it’s daily meditation, exercise, or quiet coffee time with your pet first thing in the morning, come up with a short wellbeing practice that you can incorporate into your daily routine.  

Consistent effort, even in small doses, can yield significant results.

💫 Remember to engage in any wellbeing practices without self-judgment!