Stage fright is a common challenge, even for those of us who speak publicly on a regular basis, like Courageous Being Nick Demos. As a Tony Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, podcast host and story + speaking coach, Nick has extensive experience with public speaking, and related fears.

Nick offers us some great tips to ditch the drama of stage fright:

  1. Prepare thoroughly: Know your material inside and out. Practice your speech multiple times, and consider recording yourself to identify areas for improvement.
  1. Visualize success: Imagine yourself delivering your speech flawlessly and the audience responding positively. Positive visualization can help you feel more confident and at ease.
  1. Breathe deeply: Take slow, deep breaths before AND during your presentation to calm your nerves and center yourself.
  1. Focus on your message: Remember that your audience is there to hear your message, not to judge you. Shift your focus from your anxiety to the content you want to convey.
  1. Connect with your audience: Make eye contact with people in the audience and speak as if you’re having a conversation with them. This can help you feel more connected and less intimidated.
  1. Practice relaxation techniques: Try relaxation exercises like progressive muscle relaxation or meditation or favorite breathwork to reduce tension and calm your mind.
  1. Embrace your nervousness: Recognize that feeling nervous is normal and can even be a sign of excitement. Reframe your anxiety as positive energy that can enhance your performance. Nick calls it nervcited!

You can learn more tips from Nick on his website, and on our episode of Step into the Pivot with him! 

💫 Remember to engage in any stage-fright overcoming practices without self-judgment!