Did you know that calm leaders can reduce employee turnover by 59%?

Research shows that calm leaders who help their teams manage stress effectively create supportive environments that enhance engagement and performance.

Long-term studies also show that the most emotionally intelligent individuals create space to reflect on their feelings before reacting. This space between feeling and response is crucial for emotional health.

Traditionally viewed as an individual responsibility, creating space between impulse and action is now recognized by emotional intelligence and organizational psychology experts like Brené Brown and Adam Grant as a vital leadership duty to support teams in managing their stress responses.

“We have a ton of fight energy that comes from the dysregulation,” Brown says in this article, referring to, as the article puts it, “the difficult emotional hangover from the pandemic and various social/political/ecological crises.”

Brown adds: “Calm space makers, that’s a leadership superpower right now (…) whether you’re leading a floor team of waiters at a sports bar or you’re leading a team of software engineers in Silicon Valley.” 

💫 Read our “Embrace Your Inner Sloth With This Practice” article for a quick practice to cultivate calm in times of turmoil. If you want help going deeper and staying calm more sustainably, connect with us for a free 30-min session!