The following exercise will guide you in exploring the energetic difference between wanting and having through a playful and creative approach. By tuning into these two different states, you’ll be able to embody a sense of playfulness and creativity, which can help you bring your desires into reality with ease and joy. It’s all about shifting from the energy of longing to the energy of play, where true creation happens.

1. Close Your Eyes and Play
Close your eyes and bring to mind something you truly desire to create or experience. Allow yourself to play with this idea in your mind, and notice how it feels in your body. Where do you sense the energy? What are the qualities of these sensations? Let yourself fully experience the playful excitement of wanting it.

2. Imagine It’s Already Yours
Now, shift your imagination to a space where you already have what you desire—where it’s a natural part of your everyday life. How does this playful creation feel in your body now? Where is the energy most alive? Notice the difference between the feeling of wanting and the joy of having. Make a mental note of this shift.

3. Magnify the Joy of Playful Creation 
Amplify the energy of already having what you desire. Use your senses to make it as real and vibrant as possible. How would you feel in your body if this playful creation was already a reality? Let the energy of joy and playfulness fill you.

4. Make Playfulness Your Signature Energy
Make it a habit to recall this feeling of playful creation at will. Hold onto it and let it be your Signature Energy, a playful state that you return to throughout your day. This energy is your creative power.

5. Reconnect with Playfulness Throughout the Day

Whenever your mind returns to what you want to create, call up that playful feeling of already having it. This practice will create new energetic pathways, making it easier and more natural to stay in the energy of playful creation. Over time, it will become automatic, infusing your day with creativity and joy.

*This exercise is an adaption of Dr Sue Morter’s “Don’t Want It, Have It” exercise from her book and coursework The Energy Codes® pages 144-147.

💫 At the completion of any aspect of this practice, take a moment to tune into gratitude for this time spent with yourself.