In our fast-paced world, sometimes it’s crucial to say “Not now” to certain habits or impulses in order to say a bigger “Yes” to prioritizing our mental, emotional and physical wellness.

This simple practice helps us cultivate mindfulness and create space for healthier choices, fostering a sense of harmony and peace within ourselves.

  • Get comfortable and take a few deep breaths into the belly. 
  • Think about what it would feel like to experience inner harmony, like feeling calm and not rushed.
  • Now think about something you do too much of, like checking your phone, criticizing yourself, or eating too many sweets. 
  • Imagine what it would be like to tell yourself, “Not now” when the impulse to engage in the old thought or habit comes up.
  • Now imagine yourself doing this thing less often. Picture how it feels to be more at ease inside.
  • Think about other things you could do instead. Maybe choose a different activity, like go for a walk.
  • When you’re ready, open your eyes. 
  • As you continue with your day, see if you can say “Not now” to the thoughts, impulses or behaviors you know are not in your highest good at the moment. 

💫 Remember to engage in any “Not now” practices without self-judgment! And if you want help practicing healthy habits? Connect with us!