In this digital age, carrying something from nature can ground us and help us connect with the natural world, no matter where we are—traveling, at home, or at work. One easy-to-procure item that can serve this purpose and help you embrace the “I Don’t Know” state is what we call the Stone of Certainty

The Stone of Certainty can be a simple pebble or a crystal. Carry it in your pocket or purse, and spend a few intentional moments with it during the day when you need help grounding and embracing uncertainty with grace.

The Stone of Certainty Practice Ideas:

  • Each morning, sit for 2-3 minutes with your stone in hand and affirm silently or out loud:  “Today, as I go about my day, it’s okay not to have all the answers.”
  • During the day, whenever you feel overwhelmed, pick up your stone. Focus on its texture and weight as you bring your awareness back to the present moment. This tactile moment can help you relax and ground.
  • At the end of the day, set your stone down in a special place, expressing gratitude for yourself and acknowledging your practice of embracing the unknown. 

💫 Remember to engage in any “Maybe Later” practices without self-judgment. Connect with us if you want help practicing!