Do you truly know yourself? Do you understand your true hues? These are basic questions we often think we know or brush off, but have you taken a moment to get to know yourself deeply? How can you expect others to know you when you don’t? Creating a safe, calm space to communicate with yourself can reveal surprising answers.

1. Find a Quiet Space: Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths into the belly.

2. Tune into Your Feelings: Place your hand on your heart and ask, “What am I feeling right now?” Acknowledge your feelings without judgment.

3. Meet Your Inner Child: Imagine a younger version of yourself sitting beside you. Engage in a dialogue with your inner child using these questions:

  • What kind of exercise or movement makes you feel good?
  • What do you feel like wearing today to feel confident and comfortable?
  • What kind of books, music, or movies inspire you?
  • What activities or hobbies bring you joy and relaxation?
  • Who do you feel supported and uplifted by?

4. Listen and Comfort: Listen to your inner child’s responses. Reassure them that you are here to protect and honor their true self. Affirm your worth.

5. Take a Loving Action: Is there something you can do today to honor your authentic self, based on the answers you uncovered?

Knowing your authentic self and showing up as such in the workplace is crucial. Remember, being authentic doesn’t mean disregarding your environment or company policies. It’s about finding a balance between honoring your true self and being attuned to the context around you. Practice this daily to deepen your connection with your inner child and embrace your authentic self.

*This exercise is inspired by the article How to Speak With Your Inner Child by Dr. Margaret Paul.

💫 Remember to engage in any inner dialogue practices without self-judgment. Connect with us if you want help practicing!