Did you know that most employees find traditional performance reviews unmotivating at best? According to Gallup’s research, only 14% of employees strongly agree their performance reviews inspire them to improve.

Annual or sporadic reviews can lack authentic depth and feel forced and awkward, with everyone feeling like they are wearing the proverbial mask. However, when formal assessments are complemented by regular, candid feedback, aligned with ongoing heart-centered communication, they can become truly motivational. 

Gallup research reveals that when feedback is given weekly rather than yearly, employees are 

  • 5.2x more likely to find it meaningful, 
  • 3.2x more likely to feel motivated to excel, and 
  • 2.7x more likely to engage with their work.

Effective performance management thrives on frequent, meaningful dialogues between managers and employees and fosters “radical candor”, where it can feel safe to examine uncomfortable truths that need to be dealt with.

Culturally, performance management thrives in environments that value honesty, shared standards of excellence, and leaders who lead by example.

Are you dreading your upcoming review or worried about giving one? Let’s embolden you and transform this together – book a session now.