Here is a simple yet powerful self-care practice our team likes to offer to help sustain high energy and experience positivity: blend a smoothie! We were drinking this one while preparing this Momentum edition! Don’t underestimate its simplicity: even if you don’t have time to go fancy, vibrant fruits (preferably organic) can help you significantly raise your energy in the middle of a busy day.  

Ingredients (for 2 cups):

  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup raspberries
  • 1 cup strawberries, peaches and/or more bananas  
  • 1.5 cups organic, no sugar added orange juice
  • Juice of half a lemon, freshly squeezed
  • Note: the fruit can be fresh or frozen, depending on preference


  1. Prepare Your Ingredients: peel and chop the banana and any other fresh fruit you are using.
  2. Blend Away: combine the banana, raspberries, strawberries, peaches, and freshly squeezed lemon juice, but don’t add the orange juice yet. Use “ice crush” setting if using frozen fruit. Blending this way will help achieve creaminess.
  3. Pour in the Juice & Blend to Perfection: add the orange juice and keep blending until you achieve a smooth and creamy consistency.
  4. Serve and Savor: pour the smoothie into a container that you’ll really enjoy sipping out of. Use the good stuff, like a special glass or cup, and pause before taking the first sip. Take a moment to appreciate the vibrant colors and inviting aroma.
  5. Enjoy Mindfully: delight in your smoothie, ideally in a calm and/or quiet place. With each sip, tune into the positive energy filling your body with harmony.

💫 Remember to sip your smoothie without judgment! If it didn’t turn out the way you expected, you can still stay in inner harmony as you consider what you could change to make it more delicious next time.