Did you know that the famous Pareto Principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, originated from an unlikely sourcegardening? 19th-century Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, an avid gardener, discovered that 80% of his garden’s peas stemmed from just 20% of healthy pods. He concluded that 80% of results will come from just 20% of efforts.

Stephen R. Covey, another influential figure in the business world, often likened leadership to farming or gardening, stressing the importance of the Law of the Harvest: respecting natural cycles and understanding that you “reap what you sow.” 

Similarly, Covey’s son, Stephen M.R. Covey, encourages leaders to adopt a gardener’s mindsetnurturing conditions for individuals to flourish, much like cultivating an ideal environment for plants to grow.

How does the 80-20 rule resonate with your metaphorical garden? Which natural cycles can you better embrace as you foster optimal conditions for your work and personal projects to thrive?