Are you primarily working indoors, with limited access to natural light, or generally longing for more daylight? Here are a few steps you can take to adjust your space and bring in the benefits of natural light to your nervous system, circadian rhythm, immune system, and more:

  1. Equip your workspace with a desk lamp fitted with a full-spectrum bulb to simulate natural light indoors.
  1. If resources allow you to take step #1 a step further, consider investing in a light therapy device that mimics natural sunlight. This can be particularly helpful in addressing the effects of limited daylight exposure during darker months.
  1. Incorporate plants into your workspace to not only add a touch of nature but also improve air quality and enhance the overall ambiance. Freshly cut flowers on your desk can work magic too!
  1. Make it a habit to take short breaks throughout the day outside. Find a nearby park or even a small green space to recharge amidst nature. Even spending time near windows, looking out, can make a difference.
  1. During your break near a window or in outdoor spaces, engage in mindfulness or meditation exercises to deepen the connection with natural surroundings and further reset your whole system.

💫 Remember to engage in any wellbeing practices without self-judgment!.