When the mind is racing, it can help to give it something else to do in order to unwind and take a more heart-centered approach to the situation that caused the overwhelm in the first place.

Here is a list of simple work-specific ideas designed to help you snap out of spinning thoughts without adding pressure. Calming actions you can take in the office can be a useful bridge to regaining focus and reducing stress.

1. Tidy Your Desk: Lightly organize small areas of your workspace.
2. Update Your Calendar: Review and update your schedule without stressing.
3. Respond to Easy Emails: Address a couple of straightforward emails.
4. Take a Short Break: Step away from your desk for a brief, unhurried walk.
5. Listen to a Podcast: Play a short, uplifting podcast related to your interests.
6. Stretch at Your Desk: Do a few simple stretches to relieve tension.
7. Organize Digital Files: Spend a few minutes organizing digital files.
8. Make a To-Do List: Write down tasks for the day or week in a relaxed way.
9. Read an Article: Find a brief industry article and read it leisurely.
10. Water Plants: Take care of any office plants.
11. Refill Supplies: Check and restock pens, paper, or sticky notes.
12. Review Project Goals: Lightly review the goals and progress of a project to refocus.

💫 Remember to engage in any practice without self-judgment. Connect with us to share your favorite way of snapping yourself out of spin-mode!